Политика конфиденциальности
Расписание выставки "Клайпеда'2012"
Дата: 2012-03-10 10:26, просмотры: 2300 2012 марта 17-18, Клайпеда
(2 дня, 2 сертификата) LCC Intenational University Michealsen Centras hall www.lcc.lt Kretingos 36, LT-92307, Klaipėda
Official Judges:
Mrs. Elena Noskova (RU) I II III IV Mr. Marino Koot (NL) II Mrs. Anne-Gro Edstrom (IS) I II III IV Mr. Martin Kabina (CZ) I II III IV Mrs. Jurgita Gustaitienė (LT) III IV Мы оставляем за собой право изменять судейский состав.
2012 03 17 Show schedule: 2012 03 18 9.00- 10.00 Registration / Veterinary control 9.00-9.30 10.00-10.30 Corrections 9.30-10.00 11.00 - 17.00 Judging 11.00 - 16.30 17.00 Special show “ Red cat” 18.00 Best in show and awards 17.00 Visitors are invited to visit the cat show on Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. „Red cat” will be taking place on Saturday, awarding at 7 p.m. Ticket prices: Adult – 10 Lt Children till 12 years old – 5 Lt Family ticket – 25 Lt Children till 5 years old – free entrance For more information: Phones: (8*37) 322333, (8*37) 324545, Mobile: 8*(674)57844, 8*(615)40525 E-mail: bubaste@animal.lt, http://www.bubaste.lt Photo of last cat shows you will see in http://www.animal.lt/galerija/ Attention! Cat's cage decorations cannot fully hide the cat. Show visitors and show service personnel must easily preview the cats. If you want to cancel cat registration to the show, you must do it till closing date for entries otherwise registration fee should be paid. You must send request to cancel your registration by e-mail: bubate@animal.lt. About cat exposition during show: 1. According to 05.16.2008 LFA "Bubastė" board decision, personal cat cages are strongly prohibited. Allowed only own cages used inside LFA "Bubastė" prepared cages. 2. Under FIFe requirements - a) every cat place in cage must be at least 50x50 centimeters; b) cats can't be hidden or masked from visitors. To protect cat (or visitors) cage can be covered only with transparent sheet or other transparent material. For more information contact: info@bubaste.lt.
Registration to LFA "Bubastė" cat shows
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